Gaststätte mit tollem Biergarten, Minigolf & Kegelbahn

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3D-Rundgang zu dieser Immobilie
3D-Rundgang zu dieser Immobilie
Type of useCommercial
Type of commercializationLease
Type of propertyHospitality industry
Kind of propertyRestaurant
Total area180 sqm
Gastronomy area180 sqm
Lease1.290 €
Provision3 Nettokaltmieten, zzgl. Mwst.
PropNoSP-UMMD-7360 Type of useCommercial
Type of commercializationLease Type of propertyHospitality industry
Kind of propertyRestaurant Postcode88444
CityUmmendorf CountryGermany
Total area180 sqm Gastronomy area180 sqm
Lease1.290 € Provision3 Nettokaltmieten, zzgl. Mwst.
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Contact person
  • Salvatore Pennata

Mr. Salvatore Pennata
Baumgartenstraße 20
89231 Neu-Ulm

Phone +49 731 49 25 5670 Email

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Property location
Pennata Immobilien GmbH

Call us. We look forward to a personal conversation.

+49 731 49 25 5669
Direct contact
Address Pennata Immobilien GmbH Baumgartenstraße 20 89231 Neu-Ulm
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